With a second opinion from a consultant from Human Search our clients are provided with a professional and objective analysis of the candidates, providing them with more facts for making the right decision.

Do you need an external evaluation of already existing candidates, internal or external? Sometimes our clients want an objective opinion about already existing candidates. It can be for internal placements where you want to evaluate an already existing employee. Or maybe to make the selection between the top two candidates in an external process easier? No matter what the reason is Human Search can provide a qualified opinion, making decision process easier for the client.

Where is the organization heading? Do the person’s skills go well in line with the company’s objectives in the longer term? Second Opinion answers questions about qualifications and aptitudes, leadership style, work style and personal values. Human Search has extensive experience in assessing the individuals, their expertise, qualifications, aptitudes, strengths and weaknesses in correlation with the current position.
Please contact us if you have further questions about Second Opinion.

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At Human Search, we are specialists in headhunting and search. In only 20 working days, we present the best candidates for the most difficult positions in all industries that match your requirements.

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